I was born in a small town in western Germany, and I grew up in an ever-growing age of technology. My whole life, I was curious about how technology evolves and how it can enhance our everyday life.

A few years ago, I started to learn more about design. For me, it was important to bring my ideas to life, so I self-taught myself how to code and learned more about . In early 2023, I started my bachelor in Interaction Design at the University of Applied Sciences in Schwaebisch Gmuend.

Since May 2024 i am working at GLS/NXTas a Design Engineer. I am always working on side projects to improve my skills and expand my knowledge in the field of software development.


Design Engineer


05 / 2024



Interaction Design

HFG Schwäbisch Gmünd

03 / 2023



Working Student


03 / 2023


05 / 2024

Design Internship


11 / 2022


03 / 2023

High School Diploma

Albertus-Magnus Gymnasium

05 / 2014


07 / 2022

Life Adventure List

Own a Tesla

Live in Berlin

Visit Apple Park

Visit Denmark

Create a full-stack app

Code Portfolio

Start Startup

Visit New York City